Are you polymathic?

It's about time to own your Superpowers!



You'll get actionable tips on life & business hacks of polymaths to achieve everything in your lifetime.


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Are you a polymath?

It's about time to own your Superpowers!




Join hundreds of subscribers to our upcoming Medici Modern Polymaths newsletter. You'll get actionable tips on life & business hacks of polymaths to achieve everything in your lifetime.

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People who are accomplished in multiple fields (Polymaths) are exceptions in this Age of Specialization. They don’t fit neatly into society’s boxes.

Yet it is the polymaths that have the breakthroughs that most enhance our lives.

They are our entrepreneurs, inventors, creators, artists, scientists, mavericks, and builders. In this modern age of specialization, they are more needed than ever to bridge the gaps and connect the dots of our exploding new knowledge.

But the Modern Polymaths are shamed and dismissed by the Specialists who don’t understand that the Polymath mind works differently. The specialists diagnose us as ADHD, or call us Jacks of All Trades, Master of None.

They don’t realize that our main superpower is applying knowledge and skills across domains to give new insight and breakthrough ideas. They point to our multiplicity of fields — in which we are sometimes amateurs — as falling short of the expertise that they have achieved, not realizing that the integration of fields doesn’t require ultra-expertise, just imaginative skill transfer.

Polymaths need a place to hang out and test our crazy ideas, to push, prod, and encourage each other, to draw on our endless resources, to cross-pollinate, to analyze and learn from our many failures. Most of all, we enjoy the camaraderie of other polymaths, who are hard to find. 

When Polymaths get together, they reach “psychological critical mass,” and there is a nuclear chain reaction, an explosion of new ideas. When they are stuck, other polymaths have almost always solved the problem in another field in a way that is applicable. 

​But Polymaths are few and far between. For the first time in human history, we can get  together remotely to form a global community. 

The Polymath Community is a group of modern polymaths of varying levels committed to supporting each other, and expanding our horizons even more — from beginning polymaths to super-accomplished Renaissance People. What they have in common is their multidisciplinary minds, their use of skills in one area to solve problems in other areas. They are like playful little children with some serious mojo.

At the initiation of Samantha Postman, our visionary and founder, most of us have recently found each other, created a private community, and have been owning the power of our polymathy, which the rest of society dismisses as an affliction. We’re currently, as polymaths do, building without a strict plan, seeing what develops. We’re paying a club membership fee to invest in growth, build a website and develop other services, without specific expectations, to see where it will lead. In the meantime, we are benefitting from connecting and networking with a community that celebrates polymathy.​

A message from our founder, Samantha Postman.

Note, "Polymath Mastery" was formally known as the "Medici Multi-Achievers Community" ​​​​​​​​​

As we celebrate and educate others on social media, we are finding that there are many people who are excited to discover that they are polymaths, not just ADDers. For the first time, they are being validated. Many have felt their full power for the first time. We are increasingly embracing who we are and as a result experiencing freedom we never felt before.

​Join us on this adventure now and have the fun of building it as we reap immediate rewards already, or wait a few years until it is fully developed and “proven.” ​Many of us our entrepreneurial-spirited with diverse disciplines.

In true polymath fashion, we don't have the full picture of how it will look, even a few months from now. If that excites you, now is the time to join. Each member’s fingerprints will influence the overall identity of the community.



❌ Feeling ashamed that you are an Educator AND Speaker

AND Musician AND Photographer AND Scientist AND Film Producer AND Coach AND NFT Specialist.​

❌  You feel boxed in when you are told to stick to one thing.​

❌ You don't belong anywhere in particular because you fit in a bit everywhere.

Have tons of tabs open on your computer in multiple browsers and devices.​

❌ Viewed as a show-off when asked "What do you do?" or "Tell us about yourself."​

❌ When you're asked what do you do, you secretly think "How much time do they have?"​

❌ Push pieces of yourself to the shadows because people can't handle the wide rage your skills thus hiding your true-self.​

Each Polymath's

Journey Is Unique.

but we can all benefit from:

but we can all benefit from:

✅   Build meaningful relationships

✅   Immersive personal coaching & workshops

✅   Access to proven advice & powerful resources

✅  Discounted special events, courses, and workshops

✅   Networking globally

✅   Grow all your interests without hiding how multi-faceted you are

✅   Improve your storytelling, speaking, writing, and communication skills

✅   Belong to a family of growth-minded multi-disciplined Multi-Achievers

✅   Grow your brand through cross-promotion and improved marketing ideas

✅   Beta test your workshops & challenges for quality feedback & testimonials

✅   Private community to share your ideas & content without sticking to one niche

✅   Opportunities to collaborate with interdisciplinary thought leaders and experts

✅   Brainstorm your projects with high-level thinkers & doer's to fast-track success

✅   Professional & personal development with a group that grows as fast as you do

✅   Inside our community, we act like each other's think tanks and sharpen each other. That alone is worth a membership.


If people don't describe you as:

• Multi-erspectives

• Wholistic approach

• Generous

• Lifelong learner

• Adventurous

• Open-minded

• Smart

• Genuine

• Caring

• Aspiring

• Super-achiever

• High-achiever

• Curious

• Kind

• Ambitious

• Authentic

Our Stage 2 early adopter member pricing is:

$97 paid quarterly or $297 for 12 months

Our members say they have received 10x+ that value in

the first few months.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

Margaret Mead

Polymath Mastery is the best place to make enriching connections with other Polymaths from around the world and build your thought leadership. 

Are you a polymath?

It's about time to own your Superpowers!



© 2023 | Modern Polymaths | Polymath Mastery

Formerly Medici Multi-Achievers Community

Designed by Samantha Postman | "Jia" Juwayria Elhassan | Dr. M